Let's get those new advisor skills into practice quickly and support your team in improving quality scores. Learning is more than just a day at a desk - it's a process and we're with you every step of the way.

Sweet new service skills - now what?

Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their growth

We bring your training and QA into the real world with follow-up coaching. With intensive coaching clinics, we lighten the load for team leaders, coaches and quality staff after training. We'll work with your team once training is over to help them bring their new tools, tricks and tips into their every day work.

We'll start with a whole team approach, then regular updates and feedback sessions will help pinpoint team members who need some extra support or more coaching in a specific area. During the coaching, we'll do quality scoring to make sure everyone's moving in the right direction and that your new training has hit the mark.

The benefits to you

  • New skills put into practice quickly.
  • Get the whole team to the same level.
  • Support those who need extra guidance.
  • Reduce extra pressure on team leaders.
  • Check training has hit the spot.

The benefits to your team

  • Chance to ask further questions.
  • On-hand support for new skills.
  • Extra guidance where needed.
  • Feel more equipped to use their training.
  • Be comfortable with their new tools.
Speak No Evil

Coaching isn't all 'drop and give me 20', it's about compassion and guidance and that's exactly what we'll deliver. Give us a buzz - we promise we'll leave the whistle at HQ!