
Say hello to Musicline

We all love music. We listen to it just about everywhere: at home on the radio, in the car, on the go on smart phones, at work on our PCs, at concerts, festivals . . . the list goes on. In fact, a recent UK survey found that the average person now listens to music for about 4 hours a day. That’s about 13 years of the average lifetime!

Not surprisingly our liking for music is something that the service industry has picked up too. Cue hearing it in garages, shopping centres, restaurants, tube stations and even on phone lines.

All of which leads me neatly onto the subject of MUSICLINE who, I’m really happy to be able to say, have just joined us.

MUSICLINE has been providing ‘original artist’ music (that’s well-known music by popular performers to you and me) for use on phone lines for 25 years. They’re very well respected within the industry (25 years stands as testament to that) and work with companies with many sites such as News International, to those with large contact centres including EE.

After a short introduction we’re now successfully looking after their services and customers. We’ll also be looking into how best to develop the service over the coming months.

Now that MUSICLINE have joined us we’re also the only company in the UK licensed by PPL (who collect royalties on behalf of performing artists) to create bespoke compilations of well-known original artist music. And, combine original artist music with messages.

Famously Nietzche once said that ‘Life without music would be a mistake’. Given consumers’ liking for it I’d say that service without music would be a mistake too. But, you need to be careful to choose tracks that suit your particular situation. As the notable Music Pyschologist, Dr Adrian North, says: “No music is better than wrong music”.

If you want to find out more about what music can do for you get in touch. We’ll make sure that you’re making the most of music and that your life with music isn’t a mistake.

Fran Fish

Boss at Mazaru